Thursday, October 26, 2006

Marie Antoinette review

The other night I went out with a friend to dinner, and afterwards, instead of going home, I went to see a movie...dun dun myself. My friend had to get home, giving the ol' I have to work line. haha, I remember those days!! I know I have a "job" too as mom to my young Lizzzzy baby, but I was out on the town already & not tired, so I figured what the heck. Let me stress that, duuude, this is a WAY rare occastion. Just being out without a child attached to my hip is rare enough!

Of all the movies to see, I chose Marie Antoinette. I'm not a big Kirsten Dunst fan, but I loved Sofia Coppolla's two other feature films (Lost in Translation and The Virgin Suicides). Plus, it was the only film starting around the time I got to the theaters. An easy and quick decision made!

In a word, I LOVED the movie. The striking imagery and refreshing soundtrack (a blend of New Romantic 80s stuff and classical pieces) wonderfully captured what it must have been like for the young, displaced, and very bored Marie. The romanticized scenes at le Petit Trianon were especially haunting and revealed a side of Marie Antoinette that is rarely seen: simple, pastoral, even a budding creative artist. Scenes of tall wildflowers swaying in the breeze, lazy boat excursions and afternoon interludes with lute and harp players. Beautiful. Not to mention the exquisite candies, bon bons and other delicacies mouthwateringly posed in strategically placed still shots. If I were one of those starving common people rioting in the streets, I'd hate her careless extravagence too, just for those awesome candies alone! I won't even go into her stunning costumes and makeup.

Of course, the film nearly completely disregarded the revolutionist's point of view--but this was Marie's story--she wasn't concerned with them (part of her problem) so it's fair that the volitile nature of revolutionary Paris didn't much enter Marie's world of Versaille, and especially her retreat which expressedly removed her from the worries of world.

Not sure how much this film depicts the real woman vs. how much of it is merely a simplified decpiction of her life. It would be interesting to learn more history on the period and specifically her real character. The film, however, succeeded in showing a sympathetic side of MA, and in a modern, refreshing way. Bravo Sofia.

1 comment:

Kimi said...

I was already interested in this movie, now I will definitely have to see it. Thanks for the review. Aren't those times when you find yourself child free awesome? Even if they are few and far between...