Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Whatchoo waitin' for?

Just before I found out I was preggers, I was training for my first marathon. I also had been listening to a new CD that had recently come out, Gwen Stefani's Love.Angel.Music.Baby.

The first track, "What You Waiting For," wasn't my favorite, but it's a catchy little tune. Especially now that I'm a SAHM with (sometimes) long days at home & not many adults to talk to.

I have so many things that I would like to do in the short time that I am here on this earth, and yet I have a difficult time fitting them into my already busy day. I need inspiration.

Gwen's extended video of this song speaks to this.

Do we wait for inspiration to strike or simply get out there and just do it?

Obviously she's subcribing to the latter, and it's a welcome philosophy to tune in to, at least for me, because I might not ever get to where I want to be if I don't just skip the feeling that I don't have enough time or that I need more (or less) of x, y, and z.

excuses, excuses!
I'm just full of them.

Not that a music video is going to significantly jump-start my creative energies, but every little bit helps, right?

If anything, it does help me to not feel so lame in my laid-back way of getting stuff done. I'm not alone. I hope.

I love her mantra: Whatchoo Waitin' For?
Just go do it, you stupid ____!

to that I say yeah! ok! I will!

...if only Lizzy would sleep longer...
("ah-ah-ah! no excuses!" sayeth the little angel/devil on my shoulder)

ahhh, it's ever the balancing act for mothers, isn't it?

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Can I Get a Group "Ugh"?

I know it's old news and everyone's sick to death of hearing about the hot, hot heat, but...

Today, at our house, it was a sweltering 112 degrees.


This, after yesterday's record-breaking highs and a night that never got cooler than somewhere in the high 90s. In fact, yesterday we experienced the highest Low on record (since the 1800s) of 99.

Can I get a group "UGH"?

I don't know how Arizonians deal with this kind of heat all summer, every summer. All I'm saying is thank God we have air conditioning. But even with A/C, it's still hot as hell upstairs. and sleeping is a freakin' joke.

The bad news is that my older, outdoor kitty is having a very difficult time with this heat. She's lost weight, and today I don't think she ate much more than a few bites. I kept going out to check on her, and at least she would come up to get pet and stuff. But, she's got me worried big time. She just looks too thin. too too thin. and the not eating part...so scary. That's always a big sign that something's wrong. I would've liked to bring her in out of the heat, but that's easier said than done.

Changing the subject...

Playgroup didn't happen on Friday; it's been moved to Wed afternoon, so stay tuned for that report. Thanks Trish and Belle-ah for the advice and stuff. I really appreciate it. :)

Lizzy's finally in bed (and so is the blasted sun!!!!!) and I have a moment's peace, so I'm getting a glass o' wine and chillin in front of the tv or something.
At least Big Brother is on tonight. woo hoo.

Anyone else watching Big Brother All-Stars? Or am I the only loser?

I SOOOOO want James to nominate ChillTown. (can't believe I'm using their stupid terminology--ugh) specifically, I SOOOO want boogie out of there. I can handle Dr. Will for pure entertainment value, but boogie bugs the livin' crap out of me. Jacob's recap on Television Without Pity (long live tubey!) has a great assessment of said housemate, and I quote, "Mike sucks so bad, again, some more, even bitching about coattail riders, which earns him a swift kick in the ass from the God of Irony."

That pretty much sums it up. (what's up with the font? whatever...)

I am so stoked to have some time to veg in front the tv. yay.

After all, one must do something (read: nothing) to prepare for yet another scorcher.

'nuff said.

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Thursday, July 20, 2006


At 915 this morning we went out for a walk. Fed the ducks, saw our neighbor walking her black Newfoundland (aka giant dog), and stopped to let Lizzy out to stretch her legs and run around a bit. (she's antsy) I noticed that the temp sensor on the stroller read 96 degrees. (ahem.) Time: 9:30 AM.

What's up with the heat these days? I've heard that it isn't just around here (CA) but many places around the globe. Unlike this week's Entertainment Weekly,I'm not slyly plugging Gore's new movie; only sadly discussing the weather.

How boring of me.
(but it's just so hot!)

I (sort of) miss my old office with it's constant 72-degree environment. sigh. But watching Lizzy empty a kitchen drawer IS a lot of fun...

She's delighted by the littlest things. Today it's dropping stuff. She picks up a plastic bowl, lets it go, and giggles emphatically at its bounce and hollow sound.

O the joy of childhood.
It's infectious, it is.

Who cares if I put away those bowls 75 times today? It's so much fun to watch her smile and laugh. I must admit though, I don't particularly enjoy seeing the resulting dents in our hardwood floors, but on the other hand, "she gives our floors character," I tell myeslf. LOTS of character.

Eh, ultimately I don't care. it's a floor. it's a bowl. it's a full cup of milk spilled into the hardwood cracks....it's...a lot of things. But terrible it is not.

I have a daughter.
Wonderful, wiggly, and O so messy.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Onward and Outward

I'm totally loving my new treadmill. I would be on it right now while Lizzy's sleeping, but I'm trying to ease back into running (and by that I really mean jogging). It's been a while, so I don't want to hurt myself and then be out of commission for a month. That would NOT be good.

Funny...It's been so long since I ran on a regular basis that my father in law asked my hubby:

"A treadmill? Who's it for?...Did she get it as a gift?" ha ha.

To that I must ask, who gets someone a treadmill...as a gift? That would be pretty insulting. Can you imagine: "Here ya go. I thought you could use this."

Eh, he meant well. Even "I" know I need to lose some weight! He was just really surprised to hear that I run or would want to run. I've never been "a runner" per se, I just really enjoy how great it makes me feel.

Makes me feel like I might want to start training again. Probably not a marathon this time though: perhaps a 1/2 marathon. I like the idea of having that goal: completing something that is just for me, for my spirit, for my health, for my...sanity! ha.

When it comes to running, I like:
  • the idea of tracking how many miles I've completed
  • the way my forearms (and even my hands!) glisten (ok, sweat) after a good run. It's so cool to see them all slick.
  • how it makes me feel so...I don't know...alive! and joyful to be taking in air and working my muscles
I sound totally sick, huh?

Oh well. I find that I really look forward to running, and I wish that I was in better shape so that I could run longer. I guess that will come with time.


My craziness aside, I'm planning to check out a local playgroup this Friday afternoon. Should be interesting to say the least. Lizzy needs a little socialization, and we all know that "I" do! ha.

I sincerely hope to find some local moms that I can connect with. I'm basically the first in my circle of friends who's had a child. Everyone else is just in another world: the single, childless one! (Been there. Done that.)

However, it definitely puts me a bit out of my comfort zone to attend one of these meetings where I don't know anyone. I'm not really a social butterfly. In fact, I find it quite challenging to open up to others, especially strangers. I'd like to change this. I'm trying to change this.

Do any of you have experience/advice regarding these kinds of mother's groups? I'm really clueless. I've heard this one's pretty good, but you never know. I'm a little wary about the other kids teaching Lizzy bad things, or the other mothers trying to tell me how to be a good mom, etc. I don't really know what to expect.

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Friday, July 14, 2006

Run, Baby, Run

My computer is dead. Scratch that...my company's computer is dead.
More on that later.
A big THANK YOU to my honey, who has given me use of his laptop during the days (after all, I still have to work to do)

In other events, it's been a good week.

Run, Baby, Run
drumroll please...I bought a treadmill. FINALLY! We need to go pick it up, so it's not home yet, but... I am so. very. excited. to have finally made this decision/purchase. I've soooo missed running since I got preggers 2 years ago. (at that time I was training for my first marathon) Of course, I am now WAY out of shape and need to basically start my "training" all over again. But it's great to know that I will soon be able to run without going to the gym (15 min away) or going outside (too HOT! pant pant pant=eew, no thanks)

A Whale of a Time
Lizzy and I ventured out yesterday and went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. If you've never gone, check it out next time your in the area. It's wonderful. They have a ton of kid-centric exhibits and activities, including touch pools (ooooo, slimy seaweed!) and an aviary (see the aviary cam) where they you can watch shorelife up close and personal.

They also have a "Splash Zone" (watch the penquins) where kids can let loose and play--kind of like a kids discovery area if you know what I mean. It was nice, but mostly for older, school-age kids.

Lizzy was literally climbing the wall trying to get into the stingray & tiger shark pool. She absolutely loves water, so it was a blast showing her real, live waterlife. She's a bit young to really understand it all, but was fascinated nonetheless.

Speaking of run, baby, run...I spent a good deal of time chasing Lizzy around as she zipped through corridors and weaved through a sea of legs (people legs, that is). Her passive stroller days are over, I'm afraid; she's way too active to sit for any length of time, especially in a place like that.

Aquarium Moments
In the touch ponds she kept dipping her hands in the water and then immediately putting her fingers into her mouth. The older woman working the exhibit just couldn't help but laugh. Although I had visions of all these freaky microrganisms breeding in her belly, the woman assured me that she would be fine.

We sat in the balconly of the Outer Bay (outer bay cam) watching the big fish, Lizzy standing on my lap, holding on to the bar in front of us. Two ladies and a little toddler boy sat right next to us, and after a moment or two, the two kids were more fascinated with each other than with the fish. They were both holding the bar rocking back and forth seeing who could rock faster, rougher, gosh, who knows what they were doing. They were just having a blast. So funny.

In the baby area, Lizzy got pinched, and I mean PINCHED by a little girl younger than her! I was shocked and had to pry that little...angel's...fingers off dear Lizzy's arm. (She had nail impressions in her upper arm for the rest of the night.) The parents were concerned and apologetic. But. Let's just say that it was time to go shortly after that little episode. Stupid PINCH Zone.

check out some pics of our day at the aquarium

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Computer Crisis in One Act

The Setting
Day: Thursday
Time: Mid-morning
Weather: Sunny & bright, about 75 degrees and rising
Coffee o' the day: Peet's Anniversary blend (mmm good)

The Scene
Me: finished checking email and sipping a fresh refill of aforementioned tasty blend
Lizzy: happily playing with her Little Touch Leap Pad

Me: Noticed that the leap pad was acting "erractically" and decide I should change its batteries

Lizzy: Since the Leap Pad was blipping and beeping nonsensically, she starts playing with another toy. Lucky toy of choice: the ladybug "thsort" toy.

Me: Seeing that Lizzy was blissfully content with her ladybug toy, I go to get new batteries for the "dead" leap pad toy.

The batteries are kept in the mud room; I'd be gone 30 seconds, tops.
Should be fine.

(insert dramatic, foreshadowing music here)

Me: with new batteries & small screwdriver in hand, I enter the playroom.
"OH!....oh my gosh....no no no!"

I scooped Lizzy off my chair--which she had pulled out and nimbly ambled onto in the 15-20 seconds that I was gone--and removed my now empty coffee mug from her deft, clutchy little fingers. Her yellow onesie was covered in coffee and her glee was quickly turning to confusion and concern.

I visually measured the damage and sighed heavily.

My Corp's laptop doesn't much appreciate Peet's Anniversary Blend, especially when poured all over it's keyboard and square mousepad.

It needs much more than new batteries.

and Mommy has some 'splainin' to do at My Corp.


to be continued...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Becoming a parent changes you...

"A woman with a child rediscovers the world.
All is changed--politics, loyalties, needs.
For now all is judged by the life of the child---
and of all children."

--Pam Brown


"Motherhood brings as much joy as ever,
but it still brings boredom, exhaustion, and sorrow too.
Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad,
as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard
as helping a person develop his own individuality
especially while you struggle to keep your own."

--Marguerite Kelly and Elia Parsons


"Before becoming a mother, I had a hundred theories
on how to bring up children.
Now I have seven children and only one theory:
love them, especially when they least deserve to be loved."

--Kate Samperi