Thursday, June 29, 2006
Lizzy went boom
I'm not really sure what happened. I'm guessing that while she was in the basket, she reached over to grab a book and tipped over. Since the basket is small, I think she was stuck in there. poor thing.
In other events, tomorrow is finally FRIDAY. This has been the longest week--what with DH going out of town and me playing single mom, it's been good and busy. I'm so glad that it is a holiday weekend and we can all spend some quality time together, just the fam. yay!
Not to mention fireworks! woo hoo!
I think I'm going to make an apple pie tomorrow or Sat. Not only is it THE American dessert for this very American holiday, but it's my hubby's favorite. Do I love him, or what?
It's nearly 6pm and Lizzy has been napping for about an hour. Late for her, but she was so very tired and didn't take a good nap earlier (30min is not a nap, thank you Dr. Weissen-something). anyway, I need to go get her up, lest she doesn't sleep for the night (yikes!) and anyways, Hubby should be home soon and hey, it' s almost dinner time! eek.
Am I becoming a SAHM, or what? It's still a foreign thing to me, I must say. And I'm still trying to make it my own.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Ojibwa wisdom
But, would you have guessed it to actually appear in this month's O Magazine? (me either!)
Sometimes I go about pitying myself, and all the while I am being carried on great winds across the sky. ---Ojibwa saying
With the amount and frequency of cleaning up I've done in the last month, I've come to realize that my house will not stay clean and tidy until, oh, about 2015 or so.
Some of my DD's favorite items to "unpack" right now are:
- tupperware-style lids and bowls
- brooms and dust pans from the hall closet (several times a day)
- sippy cups, lids, and whatever else is in "her" kitchen drawer
- rice cooker (?!)
- books, all books--hers, mine, DH's--it doesn't matter which. She loves to play with books
- all contents of her diaper bag are extremely fascinating
- and of course her toy bins, especially when I am putting toys away (ooh fun!)
So this SAHM's days consist of:
- kitchen duty
- floor duty
- Lizzy'
- playing referee to raucous mealtime (aka throwing) sessions
- chasing & replacing aforementioned items
- oh yeah, and..."working part time"
So my question is this...
Is having two or more kids like having two or more cats? You know, once you go to all of the trouble of having one, it's not much more work (at least cleaning-wise) to incorporate another, or even a couple more?
Or should I be thinking closer to 2025 here?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
It's easy to look at these little people (toddlers/babies) and think, "They're so small, they couldn't possibly understand..." or do, or whatever. But. They Do.
And I'm not talking Chevron here--these little ones actualy DO!
One example:
Yesterday Lizzy and I were looking at one of her books she doesn't look at often, and in it there's a little boy climbing a tree. It's not part of the story, and it doesn't show anything depicting movement; it's just a boy hanging on to the side of a palm tree.
Lizzy pointed at the boy and moved her finger up the tree, and blurted "Up!" and then looked at me inquisitively.
My jaw would have dropped to my lap had I not bursted out with a gleeful "YES! That's right! The boy is climbing up the tree! He's going UP!" Pride just swelled from every pore.
Granted her first word was "up," but this illustrated that she truly understands the concept of going up. She's never climbed a tree. But she knows it's possible. Which is more powerful than you would immediately think.
Knowing possibilities, applying concepts to things that you've never seen or done before---that's something that fuels the imagination. And imagination sends the human spirit soaring.
She's on her way.
And growing so fast!
I am so joyful at being able to share these precious days with her.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
busy busy busy
1. naps have gotten a whole lot shorter! for some reason. Lizzy wants to sleep only for like 30-40 min and then she's up and running around again. Doesn't leave a whole lotta time for me to get stuff done. especially work!
2. Speaking of work, I haven't gone into the office in over 2 weeks! mostly because my babysitter has been "unavailable". ugh. also, my boss just gave notice! Everyone's shell-shocked, but of course there were rumors, or at least speculations by my co-worker. So I'm not ALL that surprised.
3. Since my boss is leaving, and they have SO MUCH WORK to do this summer, they just asked me to stay on a little longer than originally planned. hmmmmmm. I'm thinking about it. It's money. But it's tough working for a place I don't give a rat's ass about anymore. ahem.!
4. I have a list of what's going on with Lizzy, which I think I'll share in a separate post. For now, let it be known that she has discovered the joy of flushing the toilet! not only that, but putting stuff IN the toilet and then flushing. Let it also be known that mom is now imagining all kinds of things getting flushed down the to the sewer. And oh how frightening that is! I'm keeping my keys high up and away from that little monkey girl!
5. Last but not least, one of my friends had her baby this past week (well, June 11---over a week ago!). Welcome to the world little one! =)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
cat + stuff = awesome!
Stuff on my Cat
It makes me want to put stuff on my own cat.
Yes, I know. I've totally lost it.
Technorati tags: stuff on my cat, cats, boredom
Friday, June 09, 2006
Carpe Diem

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
I just finished this book and wanted to share this great entry:
Returning to Life After Being Dead
When I am feeling dreary, annoyed, and generally unimpressed by life, I imagine what it would be like to come back to this world for just a day after having been dead. I imagine how sentimental I would feel about the very things I once found stupid, hateful, or mundane. Oh, there's a light switch! I haven't seen a light switch in so long! I didn't realize how much I missed light switches! Oh! Oh! And look--the stairs up to our front porch are still completely cracked! Hello cracks! Let me get a good look at you. And there's my neighbor, standing there, fantastically alive, just the same, still punctuating her sentences with you know what I'm saying? Why did that used to bother me? It's so ... endearing."
Reminds me of George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life. And, although it's kinda cheesy, it resonates with me.
We have so much potential in our pockets.
totally unintentional, but I love that I posted this right after an entry titled "Wasting Time"
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Wasting Time
A study done last year reported that the average worker wastes 2 hours a day doing personal stuff---you know, web surfing, writing/reading email, running errands, socializing, etc. Oh, and this doesn't inlcude lunch. Or breaks.
Sound familiar?
"Yup," you say.
The fact that I get more done at home underscores the fact that, even though I have a toddler and a very needy cat, I manage to escape costly in-office distractions. At home, no co-worker pops in to discuss the latest episode of Lost, Sopranos, Oprah, or American Idol. (and o how I miss this!) I have no impromptu meetings. (don't miss this) No brief chats in the hall or at the coffee machine. Of course, I have other distractions. But my work hours are not necessarily limited to 8-5; I can log on anytime without feeling like I'm staying late or working long hours.
I'm not saying in-office distrations are evil. Hey, I love socializing! I just think it's ridiculous to assume that people can't produce quality work in a home environment. By me working from home, My Corp is getting more work for less money. What a concept.
That said, I do find that the actual work, taken out of the in-office context, is much more boring. The copy isn't exactly riveting to me in the first place, so trying to get through it while Lizzy is nearby discovering the joys of emptying out our tupperware drawer isn't exactly my idea of fun. Sometimes it hard enough to try and update this blog with her doing all her tricks and generally just vying for my attention.
I'm hoping that once I've fulfilled my 3-month stint for My Corp that I will be able to do some freelance stuff that actually captures more of my spirit and real enthusiasm. Not just the lure of a paycheck.
Which is where I currently sit.
Wasting my, not my company's, time.
When's payday again?
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
It's the small things
We went to Target, Pottery Barn Kids, Toys R Us, Storables, and The Container Store, plus looked online and whatnot, and I still couldn't find something that would work for us (er, me. ahem).
After running the gauntlet of cheap plastic, cheaper plastic, and then downright flimsy--not to mention the extreme color selections: nothing but gaudy faded neon pink or basic black/white/clear--I finally decided to get some basic storage baskets lined with a kid-friendly, yet attractive fabric. I found some great specimins at, of all places, TJMaxx.

Inexpensive? yes! Attractive? (mostly) Yes! Practical? Definitely yes! Happy to not have to step on megablocks (d'oh!), peek-a-blocks (#$%^&!), and gnarley wooden puzzle pieces (!#$%^&**&*!!!!) and trip over myself every time I turn around? YES YES YES!
This is probably the only time that I've actually liked seeing/feeling our carpet. Cheap, ever-so-boring-beige, always-moulting-its-fuzz...and yet...ah, my feet loves its soft, toe-grabbing pile. Just ignore the kinky short fibers between my toes.